Merry Triani

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Can give color to the silence ?

The first time I believe that silence is golden , because I think the silence I don't waste my time with something that I think is not important .
Let me know the situation with silence , a silence I can feel , I can tell all their eyes , blank stares and stares of hatres .
But when I couldn't tell it by way of silent stares , I prefer to close my eyes and I see only black and full of darkness .
So what can I say silence is black ?
Well , silence is black . 

Silent when they feel emotion , angry , and hate .

Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013

I'm Broken

My life . 
Passion and despair came one by one . 
Proud and I feel sorry too for sure. 
Love and hate are also in my life. 

But this time was different.
You know what I feel? 
Alone, empty and hollow.
I drove all the people who came in my life. 

I hate it.
I hate this time on a problem that I feel now.
I feel there is no way out again.
I feel that no one can help me. 

Go !
Go away !
I'm tired ! 
Leave me alone , please !